YouTube Marketing Strategy 2023- Get More Views/Subscribers

Youtube Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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YouTube Marketing Strategy for 2023 to Skyrocket Views and Subscribers

There is no doubt that the trends and future of video content are emerging day by day and year by year. You should not be surprised: video content are getting the most engagement, and popularity, and being viral. YouTube is the king of all video platforms. Let’s see the trend of Youtube Video Content Marketing, and talk about the tips and the best strategy for brands to bring lead generation, conversion, or any other aspects.

The Massive Ecosystem and Global Presence of YouTube:

  • YouTube is the 2nd most-visited website in the world by Alexa 
Youtube Market-Alexa Ranking
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Youtube Market-Alexa Ranking
  • 2+ billion users  log in to YouTube every month
  • YouTube Statistics on YouTube
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    YouTube Statistics on YouTube
  • 68% of YouTube users state that videos help them make a “purchasing decision by Google 
Google Statistics on YouTube
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Google Statistics on YouTube
  • It has a presence in more than 56 countries.
  • It is the second-largest search engine after Google.

Create a New Channel:

Creating a Youtube channel is the very first step in YouTube marketing. Even if you have a Google account, you can not upload videos, content, or make playlists without having a YouTube channel. 

Simple Steps of Creating YouTube Channel:

Personal YouTube Channel:

  1. First, Sign in to YouTube via your computer, MacBook, or Smartphone.
  2. To confirm to create your YouTube channel, go to your Google Account, and fill in the details such as your name and photo.
  3. Try to upload any content such as videos or creating a playlist.

Create a Business YouTube Channel:

If you create a business account on YouTube, you can have multiple managers or admins of your channel, but it will manage your Google account. 

  1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer or using the mobile site.
  2. Go to your channel list.
  3. Choose to create a new channel or use an existing Brand Account:
  • Create a new channel by clicking on “Create a new channel.”
  • Create a YouTube channel for a Brand Account that you already manage by choosing the list’s Brand Account. 
  • If this Brand Account already has a channel, you can’t create a new one—you’ll just be switched over to that channel if you select the Brand Account from the list. 
  1. Fill out the details to name your new channel and verify your account. Then, click Done. It creates a new Brand Account. 
  2. To add a channel manager, follow the instructions to change channel owners and managers.

YouTube Marketing Strategy- Step by Step Guide:

Why and How to Create a Powerful Youtube Channel to Bring More Views and Subscribers to Rank #1:

#Step1- Make a Pro Channel Page: 

Write a thorough Tab description that must consist of your Niche, Who is channel is for, what type of videos you put out, and when you will upload new videos. 

Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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After beautifully writing an informative Tab Description of around 100-300 words, you need to upload nice looking channel art. You can use photoshop for attractive banners. 

#Step2- Perfect Channel Icon: 

You should have a perfect “Channel Icon” as it shows at the maximum places than anything else. Your Channel Icon will show up at Watch Pages, Search Results, Community Tab, Subscriptions, Video Comments, Featured Channels, Related Channels, and many more. 

Many people see your Channel Icon before visiting your page. And it creates the first and sometimes everlasting impressions on your YouTube Channel.

Choose Keywords wisely, and it will help to optimize your search results with greater reach. Now the question is, “how do you find the right keywords”? 

Use “YouTube Auto Compete” to find the best SEO Optimized keywords. It means when you search for anything on YouTube if you suggest some keywords. 

The best thing about YouTube Auto Complete is, it only suggests the most popular keywords. 

Youtube SEO Marketing, Rank #1, Get more views and Subscribers
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Youtube SEO Marketing, Rank #1, Get More Views and Subscribers

#Step3- Optimize and Plan Your Video Contents:

If you are camera conscious or going to fumble, hesitate in videos, then people will skip and stop watching your videos. 

Make sure you plan out your videos ahead of time with a word to word charming and articulate script. 

#Step – 4 – SEO Optimization for your YouTube Videos:

Till now, you have found how to find popular SEO Keywords and ways of planning your video content. Now it’s time to optimize it. 

  • Use your video Keywords you found earlier in your video title.
  • Use your video keywords at least 2-3 times in your video description.
  • Use keywords rich Tags. For this, use your main keywords in the first Tag, use related keywords in your 2nd Tag, and use those keywords which describe your videos in the third Tag.

3-5 Tags are the most recommended, and you should go for it. Don’t confuse Youtube by using 10-15 Tags.

#Step5 – Get Maximum comments:

In the 1.3 Million YouTube videos research of Backlinko, it is analyzed that the videos which are having more comments are ranking higher than those who are having fewer comments.

The YouTube algorithm says the videos that have more comments are more engaging videos than which have fewer comments. 

To get more comments, give people many choices by being very specific where your viewers should not resist himself/herself leaving thoughts in the comment box. It should be super exciting and full of curiosity. 

Don’t merely ask, “please leave a comment” or “share your thoughts in the comment box.” It is very general and non-exciting. 

You can use “Pinned Comment” by asking questions. Here you ask your viewers a question in the comment section, and when you pin it, it lies on top. By doing this, you are provoking your viewers to comment.  

Reply to every comment with the maximum possible response time. If you reply to your viewer’s comment, you will multiply the number of comments, user engagements, and retention. 

#Step6- Get More Subscribers:

  • Generating subscribers database means they are your real prospects and potential viewers. To get more subscribers, the 1st thumb rule is, Always focus on quality, not quantity. 

Example: JunsKitchen

He has 4.47 Million subscribers and only uploaded 25 videos. 

Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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Note: You need to be great with the videos’ quality, not the quantity of the videos. No one cares how often you publish; They care how awesome you post. 

  • At the end of the video, use the big button to subscribe. It triggers the viewers’ mind and psychology, and it increases the chances of getting more subscribers. 

#Step7- Session Time of Your Videos:

One of the most crucial and essential factors to run and grow your YouTube channel is your video session time. The algorithm of YouTube says videos having great session time will increase the stay time of viewers on the videos.

As per the recent report of Youtube, it is found, “the longer you can keep people watching on YouTube because of your content, the more your content may get surfaced. 

The excellent strategy to accomplish the session time is to add your next video on the screen at the end of your video.

You can organize and make your power playlist. Instead of creating and organizing your playlist around the topics, you can organize them as per your outcomes and benefits. It is the beauty of the power list.  

Important Note: The most recommended time for any informing or inspiring video must be between 7 and 15 minutes. Any videos less than 5-6 minutes is tough to rank. 

Continue Reading Below

Other Simple Ways of Youtube SEO Marketing where you can make a better Strategy to rank better:

Promote your Videos outside YouTube: 

  • You can ask the relevant bloggers to your category content to add your video links in his/her blog post as backlinks. It works tremendously. The best way of doing it is, go to and search for the relevant bloggers.

Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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  • You are shooting out via emails to the relevant audiences. You can push via mail where your views and subscriber list will increase. 
  • These are the external signals which tell YouTube that this is performing better. Hence YouTube helps you in ranking better.  
  • Ask 2-3 times by telling people in your videos to subscribe to your channel. Chances of getting subscribed increase 2-3 times. 
  • Upload transcripts videos with subtitles. Your subtitles should be in multiple languages for greater reach. It will help you in bringing global reach and popularity. You will get more views, which results in getting more subscribers. 

Best Time to Post on YouTube: 

Youtube Video Marketing-How to Rank #1, Get Subscribers in 2020
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